The Essex Running Club holds group runs on Saturday mornings at Brookdale Park and organizes hosted group runs on Sunday mornings during the winter and on Tuesday evenings during the summer. Fleet Feet Montclair holds group runs from their store (603 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair) on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings.
ERC Saturday Morning Group Runs - Meet up with other club members at 8am in the upper parking lot at Brookdale Park. (Note: Enter the park from Bellevue Ave and proceed to the parking lot on the left side of the road just above the track). All paces and distances are welcome. Standard routes available for shorter distances (3 and 5 miles). Different routes provided each week for longer distances which usually loop back to the park about every 5 miles. All routes finish up back in the park on the track. Sample route maps available on the Running Routes page.
ERC Winter Hosted Group Runs - Held on Sunday mornings starting in January and usually continuing through mid March. Somebody will host each run either from their home or some other location. Hosts are asked to map out a 3 - 5 mile course and to provide water and some light refreshments. There is usually a large group that starts together at 8:00 am or you can come later provided you finish by 10:00 am. Check our Facebook group or newsletter for the location of each run.
Fleet Feet Thursday Night Fun Run / Walk - Meet up at Fleet Feet at 6pm. Friendly social group for walkers or runners and a great way to meet new friends. Bring family, friends, co-workers or come alone. All paces are welcome and you can run or walk as little or as much mileage as you want. Most people start out on a 3 mile route down Midland Ave with a loop around Edgemont Park but you can turn around sooner if you want a shorter walk / run. Some people also extend the run up to 6 miles with a second loop on North Mountain, Watching and Midland Ave. Route maps are available here.
Fleet Feet Sunday Morning Group Run - Meet up at Fleet Feet at 7am. All paces and distances welcome. Popular with people training for longer distance events especially during the summer and fall. Various distances and paces through the streets of Montclair to Edgemont Park, Anderson Park and Brookdale Park including popular routes of 3, 5, 7 and 8.5 miles. Route maps are available on the Running Routes page. These meet-ups are not usually guided by Fleet Feet staff but there are Supported Long Runs on some Sunday mornings in the spring, summer and fall with aid stations at Fleet Feet and Anderson Park.